Large Construction Fires (2020 NFSA Virtual Fire Sprinkler Expo)
Online Training
Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $100.00Your price
2020 NFSA Virtual Fire Sprinkler Expo
Large construction fires are occurring across the US. These fires tax the response and resources of local communities, drive up construction costs, and have long lasting effects on the impact of construction. Fire sprinkler contractors and fire sprinkler installation standards are stuck in the middle. The American Wood Council presents on the causes and concerns of the wood industry of these fires and the work being done in model building and fire codes to improve and reduce construction fires. The Cambridge (Massachusetts) Fire Department presents past history and current practices by AHJs to prevent these types of fires. The NFPA presents their recent research report on construction fires and details the resulting data and statistics.
Learning objectives:
1. Discuss the past and current methods of protecting areas under construction.
2. Understand the requirements in the codes and standards.
3. Apply new techniques and educate owners, fire sprinkler contractors, and code officials on construction fire safety.
Ray O’Brocki- (Manager Fire Service Relations, American Wood Council)
Lt. Christopher Towski- (Construction Fire Safety Compliance Officer, Cambridge Fire Department)
Richard Campbell- (Senior Research Analyst, NFPA)
Contact hours: 1.0
Online classes take approximately 24 hours to process. To access your online training classes, following the processing period, log in to your NFSA account and select "Online Training" from the top menu options. If you have any questions regarding online training, please contact