Miscellaneous and Low Piled Storage 2016 (2.0)

Miscellaneous and Low Piled Storage 2016 (2.0)

Online Training

Member: $50.00
Non-Member: $100.00Your price

When is storage not treated as storage? When it meets the definition of miscellaneous or low-piled storage. Typically, the requirements of NFPA 13 for the protection of storage are distinct from the occupancy or hazard class requirements of the standard. Miscellaneous and low-piled storage is the exception. These specific storage arrangements are protected by the rules found in Chapter 13, which typically reference the occupancy rules and not the storage rules within NFPA 13. This program will show how the provisions of this chapter combine with both the occupancy hazard classification rules and the rules for protection of high-piled storage involving commodity classification. It will also focus on these specific storage arrangements and the protection rules found in Chapter 13, Protection of Miscellaneous and Low-Piled Storage. This presentation will discuss situations where the application of the rules found within Chapter 13 are appropriate and what that application entails.

Ref: NFPA 13 (2016)
Contact hours: 1.0

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